Floating Solar Chimney Pdf

  1. Solar Chimney Model
  2. Floating Solar Chimney Technology Pdf
  3. Solar Chimney For Homes
  4. Floating Solar Chimney
  1. Floating Solar Chimney Technology,Ask Latest information,Abstract,Report,Presentation (pdf,doc,ppt),Floating Solar Chimney Technology technology discussion,Floating Solar Chimney Technology paper presentation details.
  2. 2 Floating solar chimney power plant Solar chimney is a newborn technology in recent decades for electricity production and consists of three parts: solar collector, chimney, and turbines. Solar radiation increases the temperature of the air below the collector and causes a gradient in temperature and consequently density gradient.
  3. FLOATING SOLAR CHIMNEY TECHNOLOGY SCALE ANALYSIS Prof. Papageorgiou, Michael Psalidas and Sotiris Sotiriou National Technical University of Athens chrpapa@central.ntua.gr ABSTRACT Solar chimney technology is a very promising solar thermal electricity generating technology. Solar chimney power plants have three major parts.
  4. Floating Solar Chimney Technology 203 The exit temperature of the first sector is the inlet temperature for the second etc. And finally the exit temperature of the final Mth sector is the T03, i.e. The inlet stagnation temperature to the air turbines.

The proposed solar chimney is a lighter than air structure, made by double wall consisting of light enduring layered fabric, used in balloon and airship industry, filled with light gas (He, NH 3), that is giving to the chimney the self-floating property. This solar chimney is named Floating Solar Chimney (FSC).

<p>Solar-Aero Electric power plant with Floating Solar Chimney</p><p>1. ABSTRACTThis is an energy and global economy transient period. The end of Fossil fuels (oil and natural gas) is not too far. Climate change indications due to global warming threat are accelerating. Climate change policies should be agreed upon and urgent measures should be taken. Global warming due to greenhouse gases emissions (CO2, CH4 etc.) is a reality scientifically documented. For an estimated average cost of 20-30 EURO/tCO2, the carbon emissions cost in Greece for the minimum projected fossil fueled electricity of 50000 GWh/year, even for a 50% to 50% share between coal and natural gas, it will reach 750-1000 million EURO per year after 2012. Thus for Greek electricity producers ( etc.) the Kyoto protocol penalty cost is very heavy. Floating Solar Chimney (FSC) technology is a low cost version of solar chimney technology. The power plants of the FSC technology do not demand water, operate continuously (24X365) and their average daily electricity production is proportional to the daily horizontal irradiation. A large scale application of the FSC technology in Greece, or in MENA area for Greece, is feasible and can be implemented in a few years. Applying this cost efficient solar technology as well as other renewable technologies, Greece can fulfill its Kyoto protocol obligations and its CO2 emissions cost could be minimized.</p><p>2. THE CO2 EMISSIONS COST FOR FOSSIL FUELED POWER PLANTSThe energy sector is the major contributor of the green house gases due to fossil fuelled technologies in electricity generation, transport, industry etc. For year 2010 an estimated quantity of 29,000 Mt of carbon dioxide will be spread to the environment by fossil fuels of which: 36.4 % for electricity generation 20.8 % for the industry 18.8 % for transport and 14.2 % for household, service and agriculture and 9.8 % in international bunkers</p><p>The mechanism of Kyoto protocol aims to make objective the external cost at least for the threatening carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions through trading their rights. The cost of the emitted CO2, sooner or later it will reach at prices 20-30 EURO per ton of CO2 and after the year 2012 the fossil fuelled PPs should pay for every ton of CO2 emitted by them. Taking into consideration that 1 Kg of coal has a thermal energy of ~8.14 KWh, thus a modern coal fired power plant with efficiency ~45% will generate by this ~ 3.66 KWh and will emitt to the environment 3.667 Kg of CO2. Thus in a modern coal fired plant approximately 1.0 Kg of CO2 is emitted per generated KWh. For the existing in Greece</p><p>Solar-Aero Electric power plant with Floating Solar Chimney</p><p>lignite coal fired power plants this figure is 50% higher and for modern combined cycle natural gas power plants could be 50% smaller. Thus for an estimated average cost of 20-30 EURO/tCO2, the carbon emissions cost, after the year 2012, for the minimum projected fossil fueled electricity generated in Greece of 50000 GWh/year, and for a 50% to 50% share between coal and natural gas, will reach the amount of 750-1000 million EURO per year. In case of CO2 prices rise to 50 EURO/ton, the carbon emissions cost for Greek electricity generating companies it will be extremely heavy even beyond 2 billion EURO/year. In this case the electricity tariffs for the consumers could be increased by 50% only for carbon emissions penalties. Thus urgent measures by the Greek state and electricity producers are necessary. The investments in renewable electricity technologies should be encouraged and should be increased, however with the existing status of technology the wind and solar technologies without storage systems can enter to the electric grid up to 20 % of the power of the system. Taking into consideration a projected maximum power demand of 12 GW for the Greek electricity system, the maximum power by all renewable producers can not be more than 2.2 GW. For an estimated maximum annual production (by wind turbines) of 2500 KWh per KW, the annual energy offer to the Greek electric grid will not be more than 5.5 TWh, that is approximately 10% of the projected fossil fueled generated electricity. Thus the decision for the investment increase in classic renewable technologies is necessary but not enough. The other two options are the nuclear power plants and the coal fired power plants with carbon capture and storage. Even if the decisions for such technologies could be magically supported by the majority of the political parties, the public opinion and the local communities in the places of their installation, due to complicated technological and legal matters that should arise, their implementation it could last decades beyond the year 2012. Thus another approach is necessary. My proposal is related to a low cost alternative of solar updraft tower technology named Floating Solar Chimney technology.</p><p>Solar-Aero Electric power plant with Floating Solar Chimney</p><p>3. Floating Solar Chimney TechnologyA cost competitive solar technology that can secure worlds energy demand and eliminate the global warming threat</p><p>IntroductionSolar chimney electricity generation power plants are referred to as solar updraft towers and the related solar chimneys are huge reinforced concrete structures. However due to the high construction cost of the concrete solar chimneys the solar up-draft tower technology is expensive demanding a high initial investment in comparison to its competitive solar technologies. Their solar up-draft towers are huge structures of high initial investment cost that can not be split into small units. That is possible for the relatively also expensive PV solar technology. Floating solar chimney (FSC) technology, is a low cost alternative of the solar updraft towers. The FSC technology is the advisable one for candidacy for large scale solar electricity generation especially in desert or semi desert areas of our planet and a major technology for the global warming elimination. The Floating Solar Chimney Power Plant, named by the author as Solar Aero-Electric Power Plant (SAEP) due to its similarity to the Hydro-Electric power plant, is a set of three major components:</p><p>The Solar Collector (greenhouse) It is a large greenhouse open at its periphery with a transparent roof supported a few meters above the ground. A low cost alternative (patent pending) is described in chapter 4.</p><p>Solar-Aero Electric power plant with Floating Solar Chimney</p><p>The Floating Solar Chimney (FSC). It is a tall fabric cylinder placed at the centre of the solar collector through which the warm air of the greenhouse, due to its relative buoyancy to the ambient air, is updrafting. Floating Solar Chimney is patented by the author in USA and several other countries. The Electric Power Unit. It is a set of air turbines geared to appropriate electric generators in the path of updrafting warm air flow that are forced to rotate generating electricity. The gear boxes are adjusting the rotation speed of the air turbines to the generator rotation speed defined by the grid frequency and their pole pairs.</p><p>The energy source, for the rotation of the air turbines and the electricity generation, is the horizontal solar irradiation passing through the transparent roof of the greenhouse and heating the ground beneath it. The ground thermal energy is partly transferred to the air stream, entering the greenhouse and moving towards the FSC bottom entrance. The up-drafting air mass through the FSC, due to its relative buoyancy to the ambient air, is offering a part of its thermodynamic energy to the air turbines rotating the geared electric generators, which generate electricity. Thus the first two components of the floating solar chimney power plants form a huge thermodynamic device, up-drafting the ground ambient air towards the upper atmosphere layers and the third component is the electricity generating device operating by the up-drafting warm air mass. Due to ground thermal storage capacity the electricity generation of the SAEPs is continuous and uninterrupted.</p><p>Solar-Aero Electric power plant with Floating Solar Chimney</p><p>4. FUNCTIONAL PRINCIPLE:The principle is shown in fig below, Air is heated by solar radiation under a low circular translucent roof open at the periphery; the natural ground below it form an air collector. In the middle of the roof and the natural ground below it form an air collector. In the middle of the roof is a vertical tower with large air inlets at its base. The joint between the roof and the tower base is airtight. As hot air is lighter than cold air it rises up the tower. Suction from the tower then draws in more hot air from the collector, and cold air comes in from the outer perimeter. Continuous 24 hours-operation can be achieved by placing tight water filled tubes or bags under the roof. The water heats up during day time and releases its heat at night. These tubes are filled only at once, no further water is needed. Thus solar radiation causes a constant updraft in the tower. The energy contained in the updraft is converted into mechanical energy by pressure-staged turbines at the base of the tower, and into electrical energy by conventional generator.</p><p>Solar-Aero Electric power plant with Floating Solar Chimney</p><p>5. CONSTRUCTION: Floating solar chimney:In order to increase the efficiencies of the solar chimney power stations we need solar chimneys of even higher heights. The forces acting on he FSC are basically two: The sub-pressure forces. The forces, which are resulted from the static pressure difference between the warm stream of air inside the FSC and the air on its exterior. The forces from the external winds, which are appeared at the places where the FSC is installed. The FSC construction is made by a series of balloon-rings from light enduring (airship) fabric connected successively in such a way that they form the main cylinder of the solar chimney. if necessary, special supporting rings placed between the balloon rings (see figure 2). These rings have negligible thickness and diameters smaller or equal than the diameters of the lifting balloons.</p><p>Fig.02 To encounter external winds forces is a rather more complicated issue. To do so the supporting rings are not sufficient, although they do help in this respect. The external winds problem is encountered by the FSCs deflecting ability.</p><p>Solar-Aero Electric power plant with Floating Solar Chimney</p><p>Thus when external winds appear the FSC is deflecting, reaching its angle of balance (figure 3 and 4). In this way, in its balance position, the FSC encounters vertically only the drag forces from the velocitys normal components, which are counter-balanced from the opposite FSCs buoyancy components. These normal forces to the FSCs cylinder are encountered locally with the assistance of the supporting rings. Wind velocitys tangent component creates a friction force parallel to the FSCs cylinder without deforming its shape. As already stated in order to encounter the winds action on the FSC, it should have a deflecting ability. For this purpose two more elements are necessary: A system that will keep the FSC at its position and which will receive the parallel and tangent forces from the external winds. This system is a two-part heavy base, which can incline on the FSCs seat without parting from it. (Figure 4). A flexible (accordion type) folding part of its base which will be unfolded partly as a result of the deflection, preventing the warm air to escape by the bottom of the structure (figure 4).</p><p>Fig.03</p><p>Fig.04</p><p>This winds velocity variation creates differential forces along the chimneys cylinder. To encounter these differential forces the chimneys cylinder is separated in parts. These parts are constructed by a fixed number of tube balloon-rings. The parts are separated by isolation tubes filled with environments air, which can easily get in and out of them.</p><p>Solar-Aero Electric power plant with Floating Solar Chimney</p><p>These relief tubes isolate dynamically the consecutive parts of FSC from each other, allowing each part to reach its own deflecting angle, depending on the average wind velocity on the altitude where it is located.</p><p>Fig.05</p><p>A computer animation for a part of a FSC is shown in fig. (05). The strength and thus the weight of the supporting rings are defining the dimensions of the lifting balloon tubes. The existing modern plastic and composite fabrics and fibers, tested already to air ship and balloon industry have given valuable information and know-how for an appropriate construction of the FSCs, in order to resist to external strong winds .</p><p>Solar-Aero Electric power plant with Floating Solar Chimney</p><p>The Floating Solar Chimney (A low cost fabric structure).In order to decrease the construction cost of the Solar Aero-Electric Power Plants (SAEPs) the inventor proposed to replace the concrete solar chimneys with lighter than air inflated fabric structures named Floating Solar Chimneys (FSCs). He is granted USA, AUSTRALIA, EU, CHINA, INDIA and SOUTH AFRICA patents for his invention. In a series of papers the inventor gave the main characteristics of the SAEPs with Floating Solar Chimneys. Low cost Floating Solar Chimneys up to 500 m with internal diameters 32 m 42 m, can be constructed with existing polyester fabric, giving to their respective Solar Aero-Electric Power Plants, low investment costs. By this innovating Floating Solar Chimney Technology for FSC heights of maximum 500m, up to 0.6 % of the arriving horizontal solar radiation on the solar collector surface, can be converted to electricity. An indicative representation of the small part of a Floating Solar Chimney main cylindrical air up-drafting body is shown in the lower figure. The inner core can be placed outside the fabric structure in order to protect by solar UV radiation the supporting and lifting balloons.</p><p>Solar-Aero Electric power plant with Floating Solar Chimney</p><p>Solar collector (The Greenhouse):The FSCPS power output is proportional to collector area and tower height, i.e. proportional to the cylinder in fig.06.</p><p>Hot air from the solar tower is produced by the green house effect in a simple air collector consisting of a glass or plastic film glazing stretched horizontally two to six meters above the ground. The height of the glazing increases adjacent to the tower base, so that the air is diverted to vertical movement with minimum friction loss. This glazing admits the solar radiation component and retains long-wave re-radiation from the heated ground. Thus the ground under the roof heats up and transfers its heat to the air flowing radially above it from the outside to the tower.</p><p>Fig.07 The area under the roof is used for agricultural purpose, so that large area invested for FSCPS is not gated wasted.</p><p>Solar-Aero Electric power plant with Floating Solar Chimney</p><p>Storage:If additional thermal stora..</p>
Schematic presentation of a solar updraft tower

The solar updraft tower (SUT) is a design concept for a renewable-energypower plant for generating electricity from low temperature solar heat. Sunshine heats the air beneath a very wide greenhouse-like roofed collector structure surrounding the central base of a very tall chimney tower. The resulting convection causes a hot air updraft in the tower by the chimney effect. This airflow drives wind turbines, placed in the chimney updraft or around the chimney base, to produce electricity.

As of mid 2018, although several prototype models have been built, no full-scale practical units are in operation. Scaled-up versions of demonstration models are planned to generate significant power. They may also allow development of other applications, such as to agriculture or horticulture, to water extraction or distillation, or to improvement of urban air pollution.

Commercial investment may have been discouraged by the high initial cost of building a very large novel structure, the large land area required and by the risk of investment.[original research?] However, there is renewed interest in solar updraft towers, especially in sunny remote areas.[citation needed] A few prototypes have recently[when?] been built, and projects are proposed for parts of Africa, the US and Australia.

In 2014, National Geographic published a popular update, including an interview with an informed engineering proponent. A solar updraft tower power plant can generate electricity from the low temperature atmospheric heat gradient between ground or surface level and structurally reachable altitude. Functional or mechanical feasibility is now less of an issue than capitalisation.[1]

Edb to pst torrent crack corel. A comprehensive review of theoretical and experimental aspects of solar updraft tower power plant (SUTPP) development is available, recommending commercial development.[2]

  • 4Related ideas and adaptations


Power output depends primarily on two factors: collector area and chimney height. A larger area collects and warms a greater volume of air to flow up the chimney; collector areas as large as 7 kilometres (4.3 mi) in diameter have been discussed. A larger chimney height increases the pressure difference via the stack effect; chimneys as tall as 1,000 metres (3,281 ft) have been discussed.[3]

Heat is stored inside the collector area allowing SUTs to operate 24 hours a day. The ground beneath the solar collector, water in bags or tubes, or a saltwater thermal sink in the collector could add thermal capacity and inertia to the collector. Humidity of the updraft and condensation in the chimney could increase the energy flux of the system.[4][5]

Turbines with a horizontal axis can be installed in a ring around the base of the tower, as once planned for an Australian project and seen in the diagram above; or—as in the prototype in Spain—a single vertical axis turbine can be installed inside the chimney.

A near negligible amount of Carbon dioxide is produced as part of operations, while construction material manufacturing can create emissions.[6] Net energy payback is estimated to be 2–3 years.[5]

Since solar collectors occupy significant amounts of land, deserts and other low-value sites are most likely. Improvements in the solar heat collection efficiency by using unglazed transpired collector can significantly reduce the land required for the solar array.

A small-scale solar updraft tower may be an attractive option for remote regions in developing countries.[7][8] The relatively low-tech approach could allow local resources and labour to be used for construction and maintenance.

Locating a tower at high latitudes could produce up to 85 per cent of the output of a similar plant located closer to the equator, if the collection area is sloped significantly toward the equator. The sloped collector field, which also functions as a chimney, is built on suitable mountainsides, with a short vertical chimney on the mountaintop to accommodate the vertical axis air turbine. Aperture effect in sampling pdf. The results showed that solar chimney power plants at high latitudes may have satisfactory thermal performance.[9]


Smoke-jack from A Treatise of Mechanics (1826)

A chimney turbine was envisioned as a smoke jack, and illustrated 500 years ago by Leonardo da Vinci. An animal spitted above a fire or in an oven could be turned by a vertical axis turbine with four angled vanes in the chimney updraft.

In 1896, Mr. Alfred Rosling Bennett published the first patent describing a 'Convection Mill'.[10] Even if in the title of the Patent and in the claims the word 'Toy' clearly appears and even if in the overall description made inside the Patent it is evident that the idea was to produce small devices, in page 3 at lines 49-54 Bennett envisions much larger devices for bigger scale applications. A model of this 'convection mill', built in 1919 by Albert H. Holmes & Son (London) to demonstrate the phenomenon of convection currents, is on display in the Science Museum, London.

In 1903, Isidoro Cabanyes, a colonel in the Spanish army, proposed a solar chimney power plant in the magazine La energía eléctrica.[11] Another early description was published in 1931 by German author Hanns Günther.[12] Beginning in 1975, Robert E. Lucier applied for patents on a solar chimney electric power generator; between 1978 and 1981 patents (since expired) were granted in Australia,[13] Canada,[14] Israel,[15] and the US.[16]

Solar Chimney Model

In 1926 Prof Engineer Bernard Dubos proposed to the French Academy of Sciences the construction of a Solar Aero-Electric Power Plant in North Africa with its solar chimney on the slope of a large mountain.[17][18]A mountainside updraft tower can also function as a vertical greenhouse.[citation needed]

Manzanares Solar Chimney viewed through the polyester collector roof

In 1982, a small-scale experimental model of a solar draft tower[19] was built in Manzanares, Ciudad Real, 150 km south of Madrid, Spain at 39°02′34.45″N3°15′12.21″W / 39.0429028°N 3.2533917°W. The power plant operated for approximately eight years. The tower's guy-wires were not protected against corrosion and failed due to rust and storm winds. The tower blew over and was decommissioned in 1989.[20]

SUT as seen from La Solana

Inexpensive materials were used in order to evaluate their performance. The solar tower was built of iron plating only 1.25 millimetres (0.049 in) thick under the direction of a German engineer, Jörg Schlaich. The project was funded by the German government.[21][22]

The chimney had a height of 195 metres (640 ft) and a diameter of 10 metres (33 ft) with a collection area (greenhouse) of 46 hectares (110 acres) and a diameter of 244 metres (801 ft), obtaining a maximum power output of about 50 kW. Various materials were used for testing, such as single or double glazing or plastic (which turned out not to be durable enough). One section was used as an actual greenhouse. During its operation, 180 sensors measured inside and outside temperature, humidity and wind speed data was collected on a second-by-second basis.[23] This experimental setup did not sell energy.

In December 2010, a tower in Jinshawan in Inner Mongolia, China started operation, producing 200 kilowatts.[24][25] The 1.38 billion RMB (USD 208 million) project was started in May 2009. It was intended to cover 277 hectares (680 acres) and produce 27.5 MW by 2013, but had to be scaled back. The solar chimney plant was expected to improve the climate by covering loose sand, restraining sandstorms.[26] Critics have said that the 50m tall tower is too short to work properly and that it was a mistake to use glass in metal frames for the collector, as many of them cracked and shattered in the heat.[27]

SUT powerplant prototype in Manzanares, Spain, seen from a point 8 km to the South

A proposal to construct a solar updraft tower in Fuente el Fresno, Ciudad Real, Spain, entitled Ciudad Real Torre Solar would be the first of its kind in the European Union[28] and would stand 750 metres (2,460 ft) tall[29] – nearly twice as tall as the Belmont TV Mast, which was once the tallest structure in the European Union, before being shortened by several hundred feet[30] – covering an area of 350 hectares (860 acres).[31]It is expected to produce 40 MW.[32]

Manzanares Solar Chimney - view of the tower through the collector glass roof

In 2001, EnviroMission[33] proposed to build a solar updraft tower power generating plant known as Solar Tower Buronga near Buronga, New South Wales.[34] The company did not complete the project. They have plans for a similar plant in Arizona,[35] and most recently (December 2013) in Texas,[36] but there is no sign of 'breaking ground' in any of Enviromission's proposals.

In December 2011, Hyperion Energy, controlled by Western AustraliansTony Sage and Dallas Dempster, was reported to be planning to build a 1-km-tall solar updraft tower near Meekatharra to supply power to Mid-West mining projects.[37]

View from the tower on the roof with blackened ground below the collector. One can see the different test materials for canopy cover, and 12 large fields of unblackened ground for agricultural test area.

Based on the need for plans for long-term energy strategies, Botswana's Ministry of Science and Technology designed and built a small-scale research tower. This experiment ran from 7 October to 22 November 2005. It had an inside diameter of 2 metres (6.6 ft) and a height of 22 metres (72 ft), manufactured from glass-reinforced polyester, with an area of approximately 160 square metres (1,700 sq ft). The roof was made of a 5 mm thick clear glass supported by a steel framework.[38]

In mid-2008, the Namibian government approved a proposal for the construction of a 400 MW solar chimney called the 'Greentower'. The tower is planned to be 1.5 kilometres (4,900 ft) tall and 280 metres (920 ft) in diameter, and the base will consist of a 37 square kilometres (14 sq mi) greenhouse in which cash crops can be grown.[39]

A model solar updraft tower was constructed in Turkey as a civil engineering project.[40] Functionality and outcomes are obscure.[41][42]

A second solar updraft tower using a transpired collector is operating at Trakya University in Edirne Turkey and is being used to test various innovations in SUT designs including the ability to recover heat from photovoltaic (PV) arrays.[citation needed]

Solar towers can incorporate photovoltaic (PV) modules on transpired collectors for additional day time output and the heat from PV array is utilised by the solar tower

A grade-school pupil's home do-it-yourself SUT demonstration for a school science fair was constructed and studied in 2012, in a suburban Connecticut setting.[43][44] With a 7-metre stack and 100 square metre collector, this generated a daily average 6.34 mW, from a computer fan as a turbine. Insolation and wind were the major factors on variance (range from 0.12 to 21.78 mW) in output.

In Xian, central China, a 60 metre urban chimney with surrounding collector has significantly reduced urban air pollution. This demonstration project was led by Cao Junji, a chemist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Key Laboratory of Aerosol Chemistry and Physics.[45]


The traditional solar updraft tower has a power conversion rate considerably lower than many other designs in the (high temperature) solar thermal group of collectors. The low conversion rate is balanced to some extent by the lower cost per square metre of solar collection.[20][46][47]

Model calculations estimate that a 100 MW plant would require a 1,000 m tower and a greenhouse of 20 square kilometres (7.7 sq mi). A 200 MW tower with the same tower would require a collector 7 kilometres in diameter (total area of about 38 km²).[5] One 200MW power station will provide enough electricity for around 200,000 typical households and will abate over 900,000 tons of greenhouse producing gases from entering the environment annually. The glazed collector area is expected to extract about 0.5 percent, or 5 W/m² of 1 kW/m², of the solar energy that falls upon it. If a transpired solar collector is used in place of the glazed collector, the efficiency is doubled. Additional efficiency improvements are possible by modifying the turbine and chimney design to increase air speed using a venturi configuration. Concentrating thermal (CSP) or photovoltaic (CPV) solar power plants range between 20% to 31.25% efficiency (dish Stirling). Overall CSP/CPV efficiency is reduced because collectors do not cover the entire footprint. Without further tests, the accuracy of these calculations is uncertain.[48] Most of the projections of efficiency, costs and yields are calculated theoretically, rather than empirically derived from demonstrations, and are seen in comparison with other collector or solar heat transducing technologies.[49]

An innovative concept recombining a thermal power plant dry cooling tower with a solar chimney was first introduced by Zandian and Ashjaee[50] in 2013 to increase the efficiency of the solar updraft towers. This hybrid cooling-tower-solar-chimney (HCTSC) system was shown to be able to produce an over ten times increase in output power compared to the conventional solar chimney power plants like Manzanares, Ciudad Real, with similar geometrical dimensions. In addition, it was shown that with an increase in chimney diameter, the power generation can reach to MW-graded power output without the necessity of building huge individual solar chimney panels. The results showed a maximum of 3 MW power output from the HCTSC system which resulted in 0.37% increase in the thermal efficiency of a typical 250 MW fossil fuel power plant, with a chimney diameter of only 50 metres (160 ft). The new hybrid design made the solar updraft tower feasible again, and proved it to be economical in saving lots of construction cost and time. This concept also recaptures the heat of radiators that are thrown out into the atmosphere without efficient utilization, and prevents generation of excessive greenhouse gasses.

The performance of an updraft tower may be degraded by factors such as atmospheric winds,[51][52] by drag induced by the bracings used for supporting the chimney,[53] and by reflection off the top of the greenhouse canopy.

Related ideas and adaptations[edit]


  • The atmospheric vortex proposal[54] replaces the physical chimney by a controlled or 'anchored' cyclonic updraft vortex. Depending on the column gradient of temperature and pressure, or buoyancy, and stability of the vortex, very high-altitude updraft may be achievable. As an alternative to a solar collector, industrial and urban waste-heat could be used to initiate and sustain the updraft in the vortex.
  • Telescopic or retractable design may lower a very high chimney for maintenance, or to prevent storm damage. Hot-air balloon chimney suspension has also been proposed.
  • A form of solar boiler technology placed directly above the turbine at the base of the tower might increase the up-draught.[citation needed]
  • Moreno (2006) teaches in U.S. Patent #7,026,723[55] that a chimney can be economically placed on a hill or mountain slope. Klinkman (2014) in U.S. Patent #8,823,197 [56] elaborates on constructing diagonal chimneys. A structure as simply built as a high hoop tunnel, but much longer in length and on a slope, can permanently generate an airflow for producing electricity. Changing the chimney's height differential from 200m (the Manzanares experiment) to 2000m (Charleston Peak in Nevada has a rise of over 2500m, for example) will transfer a factor of ten more of captured solar heat into electric power. Increasing the temperature differential between chimney air and outside air by a factor of ten increases the same chimney's power by one further factor of ten, assuming that the chimney's walls are engineered to take the extra heat. Concentrating solar heat is often done with reflection.
  • An inflatable solar chimney power plant has been evaluated analytically and simulated by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling. This idea has been registered as a patent, including the optimal shape of the collector and the analytical profile for the self standing inflatable tower.[57] The CFD simulation has been evaluated by verification, validation, and uncertainty quantification (VVUQ) of computer simulations by American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2009 standards.[58]
  • Airtower is a proposal by architect Julian Breinersdorfer to better exploit the high initial capital outlay of building a very high structure by incorporating it into a high rise building core. The proximity of producer and consumer can also reduce transmission losses.[59]>


  • A saltwater thermal sink in the collector could 'flatten' the diurnal variation in energy output, while airflow humidification in the collector and condensation in the updraft could increase the energy flux of the system.[4][5]
  • As with other solar technologies, some mechanism is required to mix its varying power output with other power sources. Heat can be stored in heat-absorbing material or saltwater ponds. Electricity can be cached in batteries or other technologies.[60]
  • A recent innovation has been the use of transpired collectors in place of the traditional glazing covers.[61] Transpired collectors have efficiencies in the 60% to 80% range or three times the 25% efficiency measured with the greenhouse collectors.[62] The large solar collector field can now be reduced to half or less making solar updraft towers much more cost effective. A patent has been granted on a solar tower system using transpired collectors.[63]

The Generator[edit]

  • If the chimney updraft is an ionized vortex, then the electro-magnetic field could be tapped for electricity, using the airflow and chimney as a generator.[citation needed]


  • Release of humid ground-level air from an atmospheric vortex or solar chimney at altitude could form clouds or precipitation, potentially altering local hydrology.[64][65][66] Local de-desertification, or afforestation could be achieved if a regional water cycle were established and sustained in an otherwise arid area.
  • The solar cyclone distiller[67] could extract atmospheric water by condensation in the updraft of the chimney. This solar cyclonic water distiller with a solar collector pond could adapt the solar collector-chimney system for large-scale desalination of collected brine, brackish- or waste-water pooled in the collector base.[68]
  • Fitted with a vortex chimney scrubber, the updraft could be cleaned of particulate air pollution. An experimental tower is cleaning the air in China with little external energy input.[69][70][45] Alternately, particulate air pollution caught in the updraft could serve as a nucleation stimulus for precipitation[71] either in the chimney, or at release altitude as cloud seeds.
  • Removal of urban air pollution raised and dispersed at altitude could reflect insolation, reducing ground-level solar warming.
  • Energy production, water desalination[68] or simple atmospheric water extraction could be used to support carbon-fixing or food-producing local agriculture,[72] and for intensive aquaculture and horticulture under the solar collector as a greenhouse.
  • A balloon-suspended lightweight extensible chimney anchored from an urban tether, raised from ground level through low warm air to higher altitude could remove low lying air pollution without the need for a broad collector at the base, given adequate height of release. This might improve air quality in highly polluted megacities without the burden and cost of major fixed construction.


A solar updraft power station would require a large initial capital outlay, but would have relatively low operating cost.[5]

Capital outlays would be roughly the same as next-generation nuclear plants such as the AP-1000 at roughly $5 per Watt of capacity. As with other renewable power sources, towers have no need for fuel. Overall costs are largely determined by interest rates and years of operation, varying from 5 eurocent per kWh for 4% and 20 years to 15 eurocent per kWh for 12% and 40 years.[73]

Floating Solar Chimney Technology Pdf

Estimates of total costs range from 7 (for a 200 MW plant) and 21 (for a 5 MW plant) euro cents per kWh to 25–35 cents per kWh.[74]Levelized cost are approximately 3 Euro cents per KWh for a 100 MW wind or natural gas plant.[75] No actual data are available for a utility scale power plant.[76]

See also[edit]


Solar Chimney For Homes

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External links[edit]

  • CNN money article 2006-10-26
  • Mildura Solar Tower at Structurae

Floating Solar Chimney

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