Download Special Olympics Young Athlete Program Nj

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Special Olympics New Jersey December 5, 2018 Young Athletes is an inclusive play program for children ages 2 through 7 that prepares them for future participation in sports while improving gross motor, social and cognitive skills. SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHERS. The Young Athletes Program is a great addition to your classroom! It is available to all preschools and classrooms kindergarten through 2nd grade that have children with and without intellectual disabilities.

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To become a registered athlete. Learn more about and download the Special Olympics New Jersey Participation Packet. If your athlete is 2 – 7 years old, please contact our Young Athletes Program Director, Andrea Moore, at. This inclusive program sponsored by Special Olympics of New Jersey will improve gross motor skills, social and language skills, as well as develop foundational skills for future participation in sports. Special Olympics New Jersey 1 Eunice Kennedy Shriver Way Lawrenceville, NJ 08648. Please contact the state office at (609) 896-8000 or if you are a new athlete and do not hear from a SONJ staff or community member within two weeks of submitting a Participation Packet. Young Athletes Program Overview. In early 2007, Special Olympics created this pilot program to reach out to children with intellectual disabilities ages 3 to 7, and to welcome them and their families to the Special Olympics movement. The Young Athletes Program was established by Special Olympics International to provide early developmental opportunities for pre-school children, utilizing guided motor activities. It is based on a proto-type program created for Special Olympics New Jersey by the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.

Every Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m., dedicated teenage volunteers from Cranford gather together with their 'buddies' to participate in the Young Athlete Program, which is designed for children with special needs between the ages of three and seven years old. The goal of the class is to help develop the skills needed to eventually compete in the Special Olympics, which begins at age eight.

The program was initiated last year under the directorship of Sally Curci, a local resident and teacher, who has two children with special needs.

Download Special Olympics Young Athlete Program Nj County


Curci has already seen the success of the children in the program, not only from a physical standpoint, but from a social aspect as well. And much of the credit goes to the volunteers, made up of middle school and high school students who can't wait until Saturday morning just to see the kids' smiling faces.

Special Olympics Young Athletes

'This program would not succeed if it wasn't for our dedicated teenage volunteers who get up early each and every Saturday to make this dream a reality,' said Curci. 'These teenagers become 'buddies' and work one-on-one with the children in a group setting. The bonds that have been formed are amazing. Sometimes I wonder who is having more fun, the younger children or the older children.'


At first, many of the children are unable to participate, at least initially, in a typical gym environment. The parents know that every child is safe and welcome in the program, and that they don't have to worry about 'unique behaviors'. A child may start the program not participating at all, or running all around the gym, but as the weeks and months go by, they are not only participating, but excelling in the activities.

Special Olympics Young Athletes Curric…

'To see the progress of each child from the beginning of the program to the end is just miraculous,' added Curci. 'It truly brings tears to your eyes. Many of the children will eventually compete in inclusive recreation activities as well.'

Special Olympics Florida Young Athletes

For more information about the program, you can contact the Cranford Community Center at 709-7283.