Search A Word In A File In Java

Active3 years ago

edit: Write a program to read in 100 words from a file. Then, have the user search for a word until they enter 'quit'.The program will read in up to 100 words from a file. The file may or may not contain 100 words but the array should hold up to 100 (if the list does not contain enough words, fill the rest of the array with empty strings).After the file is read in, the program will prompt the user for a search string. The program will then search for the string and tell the user if the word was found or not. The program will continue to get search strings from the user until the user enters 'quit'

* * The pioneering role of Dennis Ritchie and Bjarne Stroustrup, of AT&T, for * inventing predecessor languages C and C++ is also gratefully acknowledged. */ import java.util.regex.*; import*; /** * Print all the strings that match a given pattern from a file. So here I`m trying to store data from text file in List using Collectors.toList method and then make a search for specific string using anyMatch method.

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Linux Use Grep To Find Word In A File

Hello I need help write a program to find a word from text file

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the result should look like:

Enter a word to search for: taco

Word 'taco' was found.

  • Searching for specific data in a text file. Rodney Ibanez. I would like to be able to search a certain word in my text file either using scanner or buffered reader. Using scanner to get the input from the user to search for the word and using buffered reader to actually look for the word in my text file would be better. If there's no way.
  • About File Handling in Java Reading Ordinary Text Files in Java Reading Binary Files in Java Writing Text Files in Java Writing Binary Files in Java. About File Handling in Java. One this page you can find a simple guide to reading and writing files in the Java programming language.
  • Replacing a word in a text file. DOM is part of the JAXP API (which is the standard Java API for XML handling), and JAXP is part of the JRE, so you don't need to download or install anything. The XmlFaq contains links to numerous articles that should get you started. The reason I mentioned other libraries like JDOM and XOM is that the DOM API.

Enter a word to search for: asd

Word 'asd' was NOT found.

and when user enter the word 'quit' the program will quit

below is what I have so far and need help to complete

Jimmy Bob
Jimmy BobJimmy Bob

closed as off-topic by Raedwald, greg-449, EdChum, Pete Houston, harishrAug 20 '16 at 16:36

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  • 'Questions seeking debugging help ('why isn't this code working?') must include the desired behavior, a specific problem or error and the shortest code necessary to reproduce it in the question itself. Questions without a clear problem statement are not useful to other readers. See: How to create a Minimal, Reproducible Example.' – Raedwald, greg-449, EdChum, Pete Houston, harishr

Files Class In Java

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3 Answers

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