Calculator Program Java Using Netbeans
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i am making a simple calculator using Net beans but there is a problem in between Button and text field .i want that thing where i click button '1' after clicking one it supposed to show one but nothing showing and please help how to setup '+' button in between them help please. /* * To change this template, choose Tools Templates * and open the template in the editor. */
In this article, we will be learning how to create a Basic Calculator App in Java using the NetBeans. We will start by installing NetBeans. Installation of NetBeans. This will take the user to source section where the major coding of the program is done. The image below depicts the Source section.
- Create Scientific Calculator in Java NetBeans using IF Statement, Key Type Event, Mouse Click Event, Arithmetic Operators, Relational Operators and Logical Operators.
- Create A Grocery Store Calculator In Netbeans GUI Nov 7, 2014. I need to create a grocery store calculator in Netbeans GUI. It should function as follows: 1. Click 'Checkout'. I have got a problem when coding a java program to create a calculator with JCreator. How to write codes for decimal point.
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2 Answers
..How to set up JButton .where i press it and it shows '1' on textField
Head First • Head First is especially good for visual learners as it contains a lot of diagrams and illustrations. There are alternatives on the market that are much easier to study. • Rita’s book requires much efforts to read. Pmp exam.
Typically, in cases like this the text field would be non-editable so you can effectively 'append' text to the text field by using:
However, the better approach is to share an Action for all the buttons:
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does not have an append
method, it only has a setText
If you really need 'appending' capability, then you need to use a JTextArea
Take some time and read through Creating a GUI with Swing and Using text components.
Scientific Calculator Program In Java Using Netbeans
Personally, I would throw out the form designer and get to know the API as well as you can, it will give a greater appreciation of what the form designer does and when it's appropriate to use it..IMHO
Your basic flow is off. A user enters a value and press '+', you then try and add the value in the text field to itself and re-apply the value back to the text field..This means that it is unlikely that the user will actually ever be able to sum two values together.
Instead, you should be storing the value in the text field in some kind of List
each time the user clicks the '+' button and clearing the text field for the next value. When they press the '=' button, you should simply iterate over this list and put the result into the textfield and clear the list..
For example..
You haven't provided an actionPerformed
method for the '=' button, but it's contents would look something like..