Putty Serial Batch File
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Putty works well on Linux and offers some convenience, especially for serial communications. It has one drawback I haven't been able to directly solve: no copy-paste from the Putty window itself. The windows version has a lovely auto-copy to clipboard on highlight, right-click to paste behaviour (and there are excellent plugins for both chrome and firefox to enable the same behavior), but on Linux, no copy love AFAIK. Excute commands in putty from batch file. Ask Question up vote 0 down vote favorite. This command works fine via putty serial. I want to send this code from Batch file to Putty. Or other file which automatically make this commands. COM port is: COM14. I am using SAMSUNG as GMS modem. This is connected my PC VIA USB cable.
Ok, i have gotten myself into another fine mess. I am setting up a WiFi network for boaters at a harbor. the easiest and cheapest method of managing the wifi access is going to be MAC filtering. The limitations of the GUI on the Cisco 1310 AP is limited to 40 MAC's. However more can be entered through CLI. SO using plink i created a script that logs me into the AP correctly.Batch
I need to make several batch files (*.bat) to make some customisation for all the puttys I work with. I managed to make a.bat that openes the putty directly withouth going through all the citrix The file looks like this: CALL 'C: Program Files Citrix ICA Client pn.exe' /APP 'Putty' /PNI '199y27u2'.
[ c:
plink.exe 'x.x.x.x' -l pppppp -pw 'mypassword' < sc.txt ]
Batch File Samples
this will copy the content of the txt as command to the putty session which works great.Putty Serial Batch File
what i would like to do though is have an excel file that my customer can manage and update daily with the MAC's, and i would like all of the other commands to be invisible to them. Is there a way to have mulitle files be transfered to the cisco AP?Putty Serial Batch Files
In theory the customer updates an excel sheet and then clicks an icon on the desktop to program the AP. Sounds simple right?