Program Astrologiczny Po Polsku


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Tłumaczenia na polski:

The annual work programme shall be coherent with the multi-annual work programme referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2.
Roczny program prac musi być spójny z wieloletnim programem prac, o którym mowa w ust. 1 i 2.

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program działalności legislacyjnej i prac Komisji


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The call […]addresses the following areas: - empowerment of women and public debate ( in the work programme); - women in science governance ( in the work programme); - mobilising women for engineering and technology ( in the work programme); - conference on gender and excellence ( in the work programme); - deepening the knowledge base ( in the work programme); - practical tools for gender mainstreaming ( in the work programme); - mainstreaming strategic areas ( in the work programme.
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Those decisions are the following: (i) Decision of the Committee on Government Procurement on Notification requirements under Articles XIX and XXII of the Agreement; (ii) Decision of […]the Committee on Government procurement on adoption of work programmes; (iii) Decision of the Committee on Government procurement on a Work programme on SMEs; (iv) Decision of the Committee on Government Procurement on a work programme on collection and reporting of statistical data; (v) Decision of the Committee on Government Procurement on a work programme on sustainable procurement; (vi) Decision of the Committee on Government Procurement on a work programme on exclusions and restriction in parties’ Annexes; (vii) Decision on a work programme on safety standards in International Procurement; (hereafter referred […]to collectively as ‘the Decisions’).
These are the following: i) Decision of the Committee on Government Procurement on Notification requirements under Article XIX and XXII of the Agreement; ii) […]Decision of the Committee on Government procurement on adoption of work programmes; iii) Decision of the Committee on Government procurement on a Work programme on SMEs; iv) Decision of the Committee on Government Procurement on a work programme on collection and reporting of statistical data; v) Decision of the Committee on Government Procurement on a work programme on sustainable procurement; vi) Decision of the Committee on Government Procurement on a work programme on exclusions and restriction in parties’ Annexes; vii) Decision on a work programme on safety standards; (hereafter 'the Decisions').
Wreszcie miałem sojusznika./ Teraz wszystko co miałem robić,/ to czekaćEurLex-2EurLex-2
(23) ERC work programme 2014; Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions 2014-2015 work programme; ICT 2014-2015 work programme; SMEs instrument 2014-2015 work programme; and Health, demographic change and well-being 2014-2015 work programme.
Stresses the importance of parliamentary scrutiny of draft annual work programmes of the agencies by the responsible parliamentary committees, before the final work programmes are adopted; recalls that this practice helps to ensure that the work programmes reflect the actual political priorities and facilitates the close monitoring and scrutinising of the implementation of work programmes; expects the agencies to cooperate closely with those committees and the Commission, in line with the Joint Statement of 19 July 2012 on decentralised agencies, when drafting their annual work programmes;
For grants linked to sectoral programmes, the decision adopting the annual work programme referred to in Article 110 of the Financial Regulation may be considered to be the financing decision within the meaning of Article 75 of the Financial Regulation, provided that it constitutes a sufficiently detailed framework.As regards procurement, where the implementation of the corresponding appropriations is provided for by an annual work programme constituting a sufficiently detailed framework, this work programme may also be considered to be the financing decision for the procurement contracts involved.In order to be considered a sufficiently detailed framework, the work programme adopted by the Commission must set out the following:
By the end of 2004, the Work Programme for the 'Integrating and strengthening' programme (EC Treaty) had been updated a total of 14 times, the work programme for the 'Structuring' programme (EC Treaty), a total of eight times, and the work programme for the 'Nuclear' programme (Euratom Treaty), a total of two times.
Notice is hereby given of the launch […]of calls for proposals under the 2008 People work programme and under the 2009 Cooperation and Ideas work programmes of the 7th EC Framework Programme of the European Community for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities (2007 to 2013) and under the 2009 work programme of the 7th Framework Programme of the European […]Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) for Nuclear Research and Training Activities (2007 to 2011).
Przegląd systemu zarządzania finansowego (zmiana obecnych obiegów finansowych) w sposób bardziej ujednolicony i skuteczny dla poszczególnych obszarów działalności KolegiumEurLex-2EurLex-2
Notice is hereby given of the launch […]of calls for proposals under the # People work programme and under the # Cooperation and Ideas work programmes of the #th EC Framework Programme of the European Community for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities (# to #) and under the # work programme of the #th Framework Programme of the European […]Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) for Nuclear Research and Training Activities (# to
adopt, on the basis of a draft drawn up by the Director, as referred to in Article […]12, after consultation with the Commission, the annual work programme and the medium term work programme, covering a three-year period, in accordance with the budget and the available resources; the programmes may be reviewed whenever necessary; the first annual work programme shall be adopted not later than nine months […]after the appointment of the Director;
Stwierdzono, że podatek VAT z tytułu sprzedaży na wywóz jest zwracany w niższej wysokości niż w przypadku sprzedaży krajowejEurLex-2EurLex-2
(a) adopt, on the basis of a draft drawn up by the Director, as referred to in Article […]12, after consultation with the Commission, the annual work programme and the medium term work programme, covering a three-year period, in accordance with the budget and the available resources; the programmes may be reviewed whenever necessary; the first annual work programme shall be adopted not later than nine months […]after the appointment of the Director;
Podać łączną liczbę stron (tekst i rysunki-jeśli są-w części głównej i załącznikach) oraz liczbę załącznikówEurLex-2EurLex-2
adopt, on the basis of a draft drawn up by the Director, as referred to in Article […]#, after consultation with the Commission, the annual work programme and the medium-term work programme, covering a three-year period, in accordance with the budget and the available resources; the programmes may be reviewed whenever necessary; the first annual work programme shall be adopted not later than nine months […]after the appointment of the Director
adopt, on the basis of a draft drawn up by the Director, as referred to in Article […]#, after consultation with the Commission, the annual work programme and the medium term work programme, covering a three-year period, in accordance with the budget and the available resources; the programmes may be reviewed whenever necessary; the first annual work programme shall be adopted not later than nine months […]after the appointment of the Director
adopt, on the basis of a draft drawn up by the Director, as referred to in Article […]12, after consultation with the Commission, the annual work programme and the medium-term work programme, covering a three-year period, in accordance with the budget and the available resources; the programmes may be reviewed whenever necessary; the first annual work programme shall be adopted not later than nine months […]after the appointment of the Director;
Cementy portlandzkie pucolanowe: naturalne A-P, naturalne B-P, sztuczne A-Q i sztuczne B-QEurLex-2EurLex-2
adopt, on the basis of a draft drawn up by the Director, as referred to in Article […]12, after consultation with the Commission, the annual work programme and the medium term work programme, covering a three-year period, in accordance with the budget and the available resources; the programmes may be reviewed whenever necessary; the first annual work programme shall be adopted not later than nine months […]after the appointment of the Director;
Nie dostałem rozkazu opuszczenia mojej placówkiEurLex-2EurLex-2
adopt, on the basis of a draft drawn up by the Director, as referred to in Article […]#, after consultation with the Commission, the annual work programme and the medium term work programme, covering a three-year period, in accordance with the budget and the available resources; the programmes may be reviewed whenever necessary; the first annual work programme shall be adopted not later than nine months […]after the appointment of the Director
'(c) before 30 November each […]year, and after receiving the opinion of the Commission, adopt the Agency's annual and multi-annual work programme for the coming year(s); these work programmes shall be adopted without prejudice to the annual Community budgetary procedure and the Community legislative programme in relevant areas of aviation safety; the opinion of the Commission shall be attached to the work programmes;'
before 30 November each […]year, and after receiving the opinion of the Commission, adopt the Agency's annual and multi-annual work programme for the coming year(s); these work programmes shall be adopted without prejudice to the Union's annual Community budgetary procedure and the Community Union's legislative programme in relevant areas of aviation safety; the opinion of the Commission shall be attached to the work programmes;’[Am.
Ja jej tu nie zapraszałameurlex-diff-2018-06-20eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
‘By 31 July 2003 for work programmes for the marketing years 2002/2003 and 2003/2004 and by 31 October 2004 for work programmes for the marketing year 2004/2005, Member States shall approve the work programmes of approved organisations to which they have granted the corresponding national funding.
Notes that, in November 2009, the cooperation agreement between the Foundation and Cedefop was renewed for the period 2010-2013; acknowledges that each year the Foundation and […]Cedefop draft, in the context of the cooperation framework, a joint work programme which is annexed to the work programmes of each Agency; welcomes the Foundation’s intention to devote further space to reporting on the implementation of this joint work programme in future Annual Activity Reports;
miejsce wytwarzania: oznacza pojedynczy obszar, na terenie którego jeżeli znajduje się tam więcej niż jeden producent substancji – wspólnie użytkowana jest określona infrastruktura i wyposażenieEurLex-2EurLex-2
Any operators' organisation that has been approved under this Regulation or has lodged an application for approval may lodge, by a date to be set […]by the Member State that shall be no later than # May # for work programmes for the marketing years #/# and #/# and # September # for work programmes for the marketing year #/#, an application for Community funding for one single work programme per period
See Section of the ‘Sustainable Energy Systems’ Work Programme, Section 4.1.1 of the ‘Sustainable Surface Transport’ Work Programme or Section of the ‘Aeronautics and Space’ Work Programme.
Phase A of the Work Programme comprises a period in which Geotechnical Studies and Geophysical Data Reprocessing will be undertaken; Phase B of the Work Programme will be a period in which New Seismic data will be Shot; Phase C of the Work Programme will be for exploratory and/or appraisal drilling.

Darmowy Program Astrologiczny Po Polsku

Stresses that the agencies must draw up multiannual work programmes in accordance with the multiannual Union strategy in the sector; considers that SMART objectives and RACER indicators should be laid down in the annual work programmes for performance assessment purposes; stresses that each agency’s work programme should also respect the limits of the agency’s […]budget as authorised by the budgetary authority; calls accordingly on the agencies to consider making a Gantt diagram part of the programming for each of their operational activities, with a view to indicating in concise form the amount of time spent by each staff member on a project and encouraging an approach geared towards achieving results;
A dlaczego wypuścili tego Nolle Renadu?EurLex-2EurLex-2
Znaleziono 30656 zdań w 81 ms. Pochodzą one z różnych źródeł i nie są weryfikowane przez człowieka.

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Programy Astrologiczne Po Polsku

oj4, GlossaryPolishUE, EurLex-2, cordis, eurlex-diff-2018-06-20.