Mossberg 500 Serial Number History

  1. Mossberg 500 Serial Number Lookup
  2. Mossberg 500 Serial Number History
  3. Mossberg 500 Serial Number Date
  4. Mossberg 500 Serial Number Date Of Manufacture

ANYONE know how mossberg ser.#s are issued? My 500 is # G 15xxx. I AM INTERESTED IN # FROM 1979 to 2000. For 500,500A and LAKEFIELD MODELS. HERE ON BEAUTIFUL VANCOUVER ISLAND,I SHOULD HAVE SPENT THE DAY HUNTING BUNNIES, but we had a snow storm. Temp.about27 degrees or as we are suppose to say in canada eh, it,s -12degrees. The serial number on the Mossberg 500 is on the left side of the receiver, just below the trigger group pin. However, shotguns were not required to have serial numbers prior to the Gun Control Act of 1968, so yours may fall into that category.

Mossberg Model 500 — 10 Million Strong and Growing. By Lisa Metheny published on May 10. These elite guns will carry distinctive serial numbers, and will be given out within the firearm industry. Firearms Industry News, History, Lisa Metheny, Mossberg 500, Pump Shotguns, Shotguns. Trackback from your site. Description: Mossberg Model 500 shotgun 12 ga. Serial number is B39XXX. Also takes 2 3/4' shells. Very good to excellent condition overall. Has a few small dings and mars and a hair line crack on right side of wrist but superficial. Mossberg Serial Number. Discussion in 'Shotguns' started by Old Grumpy, Dec 29. Mossberg did not put serial number's on their shotgun's prior to gca 1968.


Where is the serial number on a Mossberg model 190?

There is no serial number on the Mossberg 190. This model was made in the 1950's before serial numbers were mandated by our friendly government. Lords of the realm royal edition gog download failed. Many manufacturers did put on serial numbers before this but not Mossberg on this model.

What is the equivelent of the sears model 446.511761 shotgun is it a mossberg 500?

Yes, it is a Mossberg 500. However, parts only interchange with a model 500 from the same serial sequence, i.e. if you have a G, H, or J serial number, it will only interchange with an older G, H, or J serial number. Source: National Mossberg Collector's Association at

How can you determine the age of a Mossberg 500A shotgun?

The best way to find the age of a Mossberg 500A Shotgun is simply to call the company's customer service line and have the serial number and model number handy. Mossberg has yet to publish a list of their serial numbers in relation to the dates of manufacture.

What is the date of manufacture of a western field M72C serial number 966748?

Contact Mossberg Customer Service through their website. That rifle was made by Mossberg for Montgomery Wards. It is a Mossberg Model 742. Download mp3 takbir lebaran.

Will a mossberg 500 trigger housing fit a mossberg 500b?

Check Mossberg Customer Service thru their website. They will need the serial number of the gun in question- model changed during production.

What does 500a L109563 mean on the gun?

It means you have a Mossberg Model 500a shotgun with the serial number L109563.

What is the date of manufacture of a 22 Mossburg rifle serial number S51M?

Couple of problems- Spelling is Mossberg. Prior to the 1968 Gun Control Act, Mossberg .22s did not have a serial number, except for a few made for the US Military. The serial numbers I HAVE seen did not include letters. Is it possible that you have the Model number- since there WAS a Model 51M? Mossberg is still in business, and may be contacted through their customer service website. At the bottom of this page…

How do you tell date of manufacture of a mossberg shotgun model 9200?

Contact Mossberg customer service. If the shotgun does not have a serial number (not required until 1968) they will not be able to date it.

What is the age of a mossberg 243 caliber model number 800b serial number 8557?

Who made the sears and roebuck slug model 446.511761 12 gauge?

It is a Mossberg 500. However, parts only interchange with a model 500 from the same serial sequence, i.e. if you have a G, H, or J serial number, it will only interchange with an older G, H, or J serial number. Source: National Mossberg Collector's Association at

When was the Western Field 12 gauge shotgun model M172B with serial number 146530 made and age?

The western field model 172B was made for Montgomery Wards(Western Field) by the firm Mossberg and sons.The Mossberg model 395K and your shotgun are one and the same.The Mossberg model 395K was made from 1963-1983.

Where is the serial number on a wards western field model 48a 22 cal rifle?

There is no serial number, the rifle was made before serial numbers were used, Mossberg did not commonly use serial numbers, when they did use them it was like for the model 44's etc. as military trainers.

How old is your mossberg model 353 serial number 517853?

We do not have a lot of public data on Mossberg serial numbers. The company IS still in business (and doing well), so you might contact them through their website. That model was made from 1972-1985. Nice little rifles, aren't they?

Where is the serial numbers located on a mossberg model 173ya shot gun?

There isn't one. That model was made in 1963 to 1968. Serial numbers weren't required back then, and having a gun that never had a serial number IS legal.

Where can you get a schematic for a Western Field Model 850?

The westernfield model 850 was made by mossberg for Montgomery wards.The mossberg model number was mossberg model 353.I would start with mossberg and go from there.

Are there serial numbers on brownings and where?


Every Browning has a serial number on it. The location depends on the model.

Who made model 780 western field 308 serial number 35824 and when?

I can supply half the answer (the easy half) Mossberg made this firearm as with most Western Field firearms.It was the Mossberg model 800A and was made from 1967-1972.

What year is your model 190 mossburg shotgun?

The model 190 Mossberg shotgun was manufactured in the 1950s. The exact date would depend on the serial number of the item.

How do you switch the but on a 446.511761?

Your shotgun is a Mossberg 500. However, parts only interchange with a model 500 from the same serial sequence, i.e. if you have a G, H, or J serial number, it will only interchange with an older G, H, or J serial number. Go to Mossberg's website and download the manual for a Mossberg 500. It'll give you instructions for replacing the butt. Source: National Mossberg Collector's Association at

How can you check a serial number of an antique?

what is a model 205515 from Sears Roebuck? What is the value of a model 205515 one legged mule? <><><><> You MAY be referring to the Sears Model 205 bolt action shotgun, made for Sears by Mossberg (it is a Mossberg Model 73). If so, they HAVE no serial number (made before the law required it). While they are well made guns, there is little collector interest, value is typically around $50-$70.

How do you find the model number on an old Mossberg 22 rifle?

If you are unable to locate a serial number on your .22 rifle, chances are it was manufactured before 1968. Until that time, .22's were not required to have serial numbers.

Mossberg 500 Serial Number Lookup

Who Manufactures Western Field Model M780.308 cal.?

Your westernfield model M780 was made by mossberg.The mossberg model number is mossberg model 800A.

When was the ward western field model 47A made?

It was made from 1937-1938.It was made by Mossberg,and the model number was Mossberg model 45A.

How old is a revelation model r2208 cal243?

Your rifle was made for Western Auto hardware stores by O.F. Mossberg Company, and cross references to a Mossberg Model 8008. Unfortunately, there is almost no info available on that model. That series would have been made in the 1960s-1970s. If the gun has no serial number, made prior to 1968. You can also check Mossberg Customer Service on line.

What is serial number for mossberg model 47c and wh is patend pending?

Your Mossberg was made prior to 1968, and will not have a serial number unless made for the US Military. SNs were not required by law on rifle and shotguns until 1968. Patent Pending means that a patent has been applied for- but not yet granted- on some mechanism in that rifle.

What year was model 44 serial number 154191 of mossberg made?

While you do not state which model 44 Mossberg you have.I can say that the model 44B was made from 1938-1941.The model 44US was made from 1943-1945.The models 44US(a),44US(b),44US(c),and the model 44US(d) were made from 1944-1949.I hope this helps.

How old is revelation model 107?

Made by Mossberg, and labeled with the Western Auto Revelation brand, your rifle is a Model 640K. If it has no serial number, it was made between 1959 and 1967. Rifles made in 1968 and later were required to have serial numbers. The model went out of production in 1985.

What year was mossberg bolt action model 183D made?

1947-1971. If your shotgun has no serial number, it was made prior to the 1968 Gun Control Act.

Where is the serial number on a Mossberg 151K 22 LR Only rifle?

You will not find one, since these were never serially numbered. That model was only made in 1950-51. Serial numbers were not required by US law on rifles and shotguns until 1968. And yes, it is perfectly legal. I collect older Mossberg 22s, and only those that were purchased by the US military ( Model 44 US for example) have serial numbers.

Who made the Western Field Model M820B and what was their model number?

Where is the serial number located on a mossberg model 152 22 cal long rifle?

There IS no serial number. The Mdl 152 was made from 1968-1957. Serial numbers were not required on rifles and shotguns until the advent of the 1968 Gun Control Act. Does not have one, is not required to have one.

How does model 35 12 gauge break down?

Your western field model 35 was made for montgomery wards by mossberg.There model number is the mossberg model 30.If you can locate the breakdown of the mossberg model 30,you are in business.I would write,or e-mail mossberg.

Who built the model 822a - 22 mag westernfield rifle?

the western field model 822 was made by mossberg,and the matching model number from mossberg would be a model 640K.

Where do you find serial number on a wards western field 410 ga no 15a?

your Wards Western Field model 15A was made by the Mossberg and Sons firearms Company.This is the Mossberg Model 83.This shotgun was made from 1933-1946.As such there may not be any serial numbers because they were not mandatory on firearms until the year 1969 with the passing of the gun control act of 1968.

Who made westernfield 20 ga pump shotgun model m550 and serial number g586416 with a choke and what year was it made?

The western field model 550 shotgun was made for Montgomery Wards(Western field) by the Mossberg firearms company.The Mossberg model 500 is the same shotgun as yours.The Mossberg model 500 was produced from 1962-1998.I believe that Montgomery Wards went out of business in 1984.If you want to get a more accurate date of manufacture,contact Mossberg at their web site,or you can contact them at O.F.Mossberg and sons Inc.the phone number is 203-230-5300.

Mossberg model 152?

Made from 1948-1957. There is a separate model 152K. Depending on condition and completeness (often missing magazines and rear sights) these are worth about $159-$250. They were made before serial numbers were required on rifles, and so have no serial number (yes, it is legal). Some parts are available from Havlin Sales and Numrich. Link at the bottom of this page to Mossberg .22 rifle model info. Enjoy- they are fun shooters.

Where is Serial number on Mossberg 173YA shotgun located?

That model was made from 1963-68. Serial numbers were not required by law on rifles and shotguns until the 1968 Gun Control Act. Does not have one. Yes, it is legal. REMOVING a serial number is not legal, but having a gun that never had one is legal.

Where do you find the serial number on a Western Field model M820A .22 rifle?

Your rifle which was a Mossberg model 320 which was made for Montgomery Wards(Western Field) was made from 1960-1980.Any firearm made prior to 1969 did not require a serial number by law.That may be the reason you cannot find one.

Ward Westernfield model 48 is a Mossberg model what?

Who manufactures western field M178b 12ga serial?

Chances are that your shotgun was a model 385k,or a 395K model shotgun made by Mossberg firearms company.

Where on the shotgun can you find the serial number for a Savage 410 Model 940C?

Mossberg 500 Serial Number History

The location for a Savage 410 Model 940C shotgun serial number is on the bottom of the gun butt. Make sure you Flip the safety lever to the on position to prevent accidents.

Can you tell model from serial number?

Mossberg 500 Serial Number Date

What is the age of a model 58 smith and Wesson serial number 00301?

e The serial number you listed is not a Model 58 serial number. the serial number starts with an 'S'

Does the win model 60a 22 target rifle have a serial number assigned?

Probably not. That model dates back to 1933. Until the 1968 Gun Control Act, rifles and shotguns were not required to HAVE a serial number. Guns- including ,22 target rifles, shotguns, etc, purchased by the US Military had them added. It is legal to own a gun that has never had a serial number. It is VERY illegal to remove one. Most of the Mossberg rifles in my collection from the 30s, 40s and 50s…

Who Made the Model M842A Bolt Action 22 cal?

I believe your Westerfield rifle was made for Montgomery Wards stores by Mossberg as their model 346K. These were made from about 1958-1971. If your rifle has no serial number, it was made prior to 1968. That was the first year that Federal law required serial numbers on rifles.

What model smith and Wesson revolver do you have with serial number afy6xxx?

You can not tell the model number with just the serial number.

Where can you find information on a Western Field model m865 lever action 22 rifle?

Various other websites list this as a Western Field brand sold at Montgomery Wards but manufactured by Mossberg (hence the M in the model number). The Mossberg model number is 402

Why your 308 gun model serial got a A?

The numbers 308 are not the model number.That is the caliber.Include the model and serial number so we can answer why the letter A appears in the front of the serial number.

Year of a o.f. mossberg 22 rifle model?

Mossberg 500 Serial Number Date Of Manufacture

Mossberg made a LOT of .22 rifles- there are dozens of different models. If you can give us a model number, we can tell you what years they were made.

Who made a western field m550ad 12 gauge B01933?

Your western field model 550AD was made by mossberg for montgomery wards.These shotguns were the same model number for mossberg ,as for montgomery wards.