Katame No Kata Video Download


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If you want to see many more kodokan goshin jutsu videos visit our category dedicated to the kodokan goshin jutsu. Awesame, combat sport, download, fight, free, goshin, Judo. KATAME-NO-KATA 固の形 (Full Film).

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Sub classificationRandori-no-kata
Technique name
EnglishForms of grappling

Katame No Kata Video Download Pc

Judo Videos; User login Log in using OpenID: What is OpenID? Judo Formal Techniques - A Complete Guide To Kodoka Randori No Kata. Submitted by Khadaji on Sat, - 13:00. Although this book only covers the Nage no Kata and Katame no Kata, the depth of detail makes this a very desirable addition to any library. The Katame-waza ura-no-kata (固め技裏の形, Katame-waza ura-no-kata, 'forms of reversing controlling techniques') is a judo kata that can be considered as a complement to Mifune Kyūzō's Nage-waza ura-no-kata, but that instead focuses on counter-attacks to controlling techniques rather than throwing techniques. Dear Internet Archive Supporter, I ask only once a year: please help the Internet Archive today. Movies All Video latest This Just In Prelinger Archives Democracy Now! Occupy Wall Street TV NSA Clip Library. (Nage-no-kata and katame-no-kata) Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item.

Unsu Shito Ryu (Kata) video. YouTube Video; Info about 'Unsu Shito Ryu (Kata) video' Unsu, literally “cloud hands”, is an advanced kata found in Shotokan and Shito-Ryu karate styles. It contains many intricate hand techniques, such as the ippon nukite (one finger strike) in the opening sequence. Download, Listen and View free Katame-No-Kata JUDO Original 16mm film KODOKAN 講道館 version MP3, Video and Lyrics 南西19 - HHS - Katame's Theme - Traumatic Cyclops - Boss 5 → Download, Listen and View free 南西19 - HHS - Katame's Theme - Traumatic Cyclops - Boss 5 MP3, Video and Lyrics. Search for 'Kaidan katame no otoko' on Amazon.com. Add Image Add an image. Do you have any images for this title? Amazon Video Watch Movies & TV Online. Prime Video Unlimited Streaming of Movies & TV. Amazon Germany Buy Movies on. Buy Movie and TV Show DVDs. DPReview Digital Photography. Audible Download.

Katame no Kata (固の形, Forms of grappling) is one of the two Randori-no-kata (乱取りの形, Free practice forms) of Kodokan Judo. It is intended as an illustration of the various concepts of katame-waza (固技, grappling techniques) that exist in judo, and is used both as a training method and as a demonstration of understanding.

  • 2Description


The katame-no-kata was developed by Jigoro Kano as a method of illustrating principles of grappling to allow students to more effectively apply them in randori. Initially, the kata consisted of ten techniques. These were subsequently appended, bringing the number to fifteen.[1]

The Katame no Kata was developed at the Kodokan between 1884 and 1887 following the development of the Nage no Kata. It is composed of three groups of grappling techniques each with five representative techniques. Your goal is to acquire the methods of controlling your opponent in your practice of Katame No Kata.


The katame-no-kata consists of fifteen techniques, grouped in three categories:

  • Osaekomi-waza (抑込技, holding or pinning techniques)
  • Shime-waza (絞技, strangulation techniques)
  • Kansetsu-waza (関節技, Joint techniques (locks))


The five holding techniques demonstrated in Katame no Kata are:

  • Kesa-gatame (in the Kuzure-kesa-gatame variant)

Shime waza[edit]

The five chokes demonstrated are:

Kansetsu waza[edit]

The five joint locks demonstrated are:

Videos of katame-no-kata[edit]

  • Katame-no-kata demonstration from Poland, filmed in 2006. No narration, but there is background music. Participants are identified as 'Niedomagala and Nowakowski.'


  1. ^Kano, Jigoro (2008), 'Kata Research', in Watson, Brian N. (ed.), Judo Memoirs of Jigoro Kano, Victoria, BC, Canada: Trafford, pp. 78–79
  • Jigoro Kano, Kodokan Judo, Kodansha International.
  • Tadao Otaki and F. Draeger, Judo Formal Techniques, Tuttle Martial Arts.

External links[edit]

  • Katame-no-kata page on the JudoInfo site with instructions and photos.
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Katame-waza ura-no-kata
Sub classificationNon-Kodokan kata
Technique name
RōmajiKatame-waza ura-no-kata

The Katame-waza ura-no-kata (固め技裏の形Katame-waza ura-no-kata, 'forms of reversing controlling techniques') is a judokata that can be considered as a complement to Mifune Kyūzō's Nage-waza ura-no-kata, but that instead focuses on counter-attacks to controlling techniques rather than throwing techniques. It was compiled by Itō Kazuo[1][2] from techniques developed by other Japanese newaza experts, and is not an officially recognized Kodokankata.

Nage No Kata

Video of Koshiki-no-kata[edit]

  • 'Katame-waza ura-no-kata' on YouTube


  1. ^De Crée, Carl (2015). 'Kōdōkan jūdō's three orphaned forms of counter techniques – Part 3: The Katame-waza ura-no-kata ―'Forms of reversing controlling techniques''. 'Archives of Budo'. 11: 155–174.
  2. ^Itō, Kazuo (1970). Jūdō no nage- to katame-no-ura-waza (in Japanese). Tōkyō: Seibunkan Shoten. pp. 1–111.

Katame No Kata Pdf

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